Monday, November 8, 2010

Down the rabbit hole :Chpater 6: Nightmares and trading

Clarity pulled her lavender duvet over her head, and curled up in the warmth. She stared into the humid, blackness, thinking over what had happened. HEr cousn's soon to be marriage, her old friends returning to England after 12 years, Brielle, sayin gthat Clark would propose, how quiet Portia got and how much Ginnie seemed to care about Clark. Alot of emotions fludded through Clarity's mind. Confusion, excitment, happiness, and the odd urge to dry heave.
HEr thoughts soon trailed off into dreamland, where Clarity llived u to her best potential. HEr dream started out with her, stumbling through an endless field of short cut grass, with no sign of ciivilization. She fell to the hard earth. Ready to give up, when something flew past. The speed of lightening, the colour of a passionate fire. She ran after it, her beacon of hope. The beacon began gliding, lower, lower until it was close enough to the Clarity for her to put her arms around it and to carry her away.
It was a bird, with feathers the density of ice,and the colour of autumn leaves. It's talons prodded out below it's stomach, glistening golden. It's beak, opened slightly, curved at the edge, just enough for it's lavender tounge to sprout out. Clarity had a notion to name it Clarence.
Clarence the fire-bird flew over the endless fields of bright green grass, and hovering, over a dark, dank forest. The gnarly tree branches curved around each other, each tree giving the other one a hug. They bare no leaves, and the wind blew them all around frantically. Clarence, leaned to one side, and larity's sweaty palms began to loosen grip, panicing, she began to scream, but the bird just kept leaning, untill Clarity's soaking fingers slipped off the last glass feather. Tumbling through the freezy air, down and down and down until the earth was inched from her face. She could hear the bird, cackling her name, Clarity! Clarity! Clarity!
" Clarity!"
Clarity opened her eyes, quickly, to see her sisters and mother surrounding her bed. Nyree, hiding a snicker in her red and violet silk pajamas.
Alice sat on the side of the bed, and ran her thin fingers through her middle daughter's hair.
" You were sreaming. You probabley woke up the whole house."
She said, smiling lightly. Alice stood up, and Clarity noticed her mother was properly dressed. Holding a suit case.
" Where are you going?" Clarity asked. HEr voice was groggy, and it made Lya jump a bit.
" Were trading with China in three days. I need to get on the boat as soon as i could've. I'll be back, your Grandmother, and Uncle Alan are i the house abd Aunt Gabrielle will be coming everyday. I'm guessing Portia, Ginnie and Clark will be coming too."
Alice said. Scruffling up Lya's hair, and kissing all three of them goodbye, she departed out of the room, down the stairs and away intot he night.
Nyree sighed heavily, and made her way tot he door.
" G'night. I NEED my beauty sleep."
Lya rubbed her hands together tentatively. Looking up at her sister.
" Did you have a bad dream too, Ly?" Clarity asked, concerned. Lya, surprizingly shock her head. She never spoke much.
" I don't want you screaming again. Can I sleep in your bedroom?"
Clarity smothed a coulic on the top of Lya's hair. " Yes, hop in."

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